Call for Abstracts - Closed 23rd February 2018
Developmental constraints in the evolution of plants and animals
Speakers: Stephanie Höhn (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Rainer Melzer (University College Dublin, Ireland), Thomas Stach (Humboldt University zu Berlin, Germany), Richard Bateman (Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, UK).
Plants and animals evolved fantastic diversity of body plans,
morphologies and developmental trajectories, and this diversity is neither
infinite nor random. The idea of constraints that development imposes on
evolution (and vice versa) helps to explain shaping of evolutionary
trajectories. Our symposium is focused on the problem of origin, mechanisms of
action and evolutionary consequences of developmental constraints. Objects at
all developmental stages representing all animal and plant taxonomic groups are
Dmitry Sokoloff, Yulia Kraus |
Developmental properties driving speciation
Speakers: Beverley Glover (University of Cambridge, UK), Maria D.S. Nunes (Oxford Brookes University, UK), Sophie Nadot (Université Paris-Sud 11, France), Jamie Kostyun (University of Vermont, USA),
In this symposium, we aim to shed light on
the relationship between morphological evolution, speciation and the
developmental properties of living beings. Evo-devo has been very powerful in
explaining how the vast diversity of forms in animals and plants originated,
yet the question as to how development and speciation are related has received
comparatively little attention. We aim to discuss how concepts such as
modularity, phenotypic plasticity, evolvability and developmental robustness
can help to explain how new species originate. We also aim to explore the
relationship between the species richness of a clade and the developmental
properties of the taxa.
Rainer Melzer |
Speakers: Abdou Khila (University of Lyon, France), Susan Foster (Clark University, USA), Chris Ledon-Retig (Indiana University, USA). Ehab Abouheif (McGill Univeristy, Canada)
Developmental processes rely on input from the external
environment. Therefore, to understand processes important for adaptation we
must integrate ecological with developmental and evolutionary views. Through a
range of study systems this symposium will focus on the emerging eco-evo-devo
approach towards understanding biodiversity and its broader implications.
Kevin Parsons, Craig Albertson |
Evo-devo of color pattern formation
Speakers: David Parichy (University of Virginia, USA), Ricardo Mallarino (Princeton University, USA), Nicola Nadeau (University of Sheffield, UK), Ingo Braasch (University of Oregon, USA).
Both evolutionary and
developmental biologists have always been fascinated by the mechanisms
shaping the variation in color patterns across the tree of life. The aim
of this symposium is to highlight new research, novel insights and recent
and upcoming approaches that aim to shed light on the molecular and
developmental bases of color pattern formation and evolution.
Claudius Kratochwil |
Evolution of developmental patterning within a plant organ
Speakers: Catherine Kidner (University of Edinburgh, UK), Edwige Moyroud (University of Cambridge, UK), Charlie Scutt (ENS de Lyon, France),Vivian Irish (Yale University, USA).
This symposium explores
the mechanisms that generate differentiation within an organ, allowing regular spacing of differentiated cells,
adaxial/abaxial pattern or proximal/distal patterns such as those that attract
pollinators to many flowers. Variation of these mechanisms within a genus or
family are likely responsible for a good deal of evolutionary novelty, so the
new data being produced on how such patterns are formed are crucial to
understanding the evolution of diversity in plant form.
Beverley Glover |
Evolution of regeneration in Metazoa
Speakers: Maja Adamska (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia), Karen Echeverri (University of Minnesota, USA), Uri Frank (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland), Jochen Rink EMBO Young Investigator Lecture (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany).
This symposium is dedicated
to the re-emerging field of regeneration, a
widespread phenomenon in animals. Using a large variety
of metazoans species and modern techniques, we intend to get a general view of
the evolution of animal regeneration as well as to test the presence of general
principles and/or shared genetic programs that underlie this intriguing phenomenon.
A specific attention will be given to the identity,
plasticity and differentiation potential of the cells required for the
regeneration processes.
Kindly supported by 
Eve Gazave, Eric Röttinger |
Evolution dynamics to shape phenotype and direction in evolution
Speakers: Paul Francois (McGill University, Canada), Chikara Furusawa (Tokyo University, Japan), Erez Braun (Technion, Israel), Koichi Fujimoto (Osaka University, Japan).
This symposium aims to understand how
developmental dynamics of phenotypes correlates with direction of evolution.
Four speakers in the fields of animals, plants to microbe will intensively
quantitatively demonstrate evolutionary and developmental dynamics of gene
networks regulating phenotypes (embryogenesis, organogenesis to antibiotic
resistance), by combining theoretical analysis with genomics. Some speakers
will talk about direct observation of both multiple evolutionary generations
(in silico or
in vitro) and developmental dynamics, while the others about the collective
(high-dimensional) phenotypic
dynamics during development that potentially affects direction of
Koichi Fujimoto, Paul Francois |
Floral evolution and development in non-model organisms
Speakers: Laetitia Carrive (University Paris-Sud, France), Oriane Hodalgo (Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, UK), Annette Becker (University of Giessen, Germany), Francois Parcy (CNRS, Grenoble, France).
This symposium intends to gather
researchers interested in various aspects of floral evolution: from deciphering
the genes and gene networks involved in specific trait evolution to
reconstructing ancestral states of floral traits. A specific focus will be put
on novel model organisms or clades that are now amenable to analysis thanks to
new methodologies.
Catherine Damerval, Sophie Nadot |
Going beyond embryos - evolution of postembryonic development
Speakers: Alistair P. McGregor (Oxford Brookes University, UK), Marc Robinson-Rechavi (University Lausanne, Switzerland), Christen Mirth (Monash University, Australia), Vincent Laudet (Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France.
The evolution of post-embryonic development
is largely underrepresented in current Evo-Devo research, what is partly due to
technical limitations. With this symposium, we want to highlight the necessity
to study the evolution of different stages of the life cycle and we want to
discuss future directions in the light of new sequencing, imaging and genome
editing methods. Kindly supported by 
Nico Posnien, Micael Reis |
Inherency in development and evolution
Speakers: Mariana Benitez (UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico), Ramray Bhat (IISc, Bangalore, India), Stephane Douady (ENS, Paris, France), Gerd Mueller (University of Vienna, Austria), Stuart Newman (New York Medical College, Valhalla, USA).
recognition that a fixed range of forms is inherent to every type of matter,
and that variability, where it exists, is only expressed within that
range, has been generally neglected in modern evolutionary biology. This
symposium will describe empirical work on intrinsic propensities of
multicellular entities such as embryos and organ primordia of animals and
plants to assume stereotypical forms.
Gerd Mueller, Stuart Newman |
Mechanisms of gene regulatory network evolution
Speakers: Michael Akam (University of Cambridge, UK), Liam Dolan (University of Oxford, UK), Marc Halfon (State University of New York, USA), Daniel Meulemans Medeiros (University of Colorado, USA).
Organismal characters are encoded in the genome by large gene regulatory
networks (GRN). This symposium focuses on mechanisms of evolution of regulatory
circuits and GRN architectures, spanning
from plant to animal, aiming at fostering an interdisciplinary discussion among
different fields of Evo Devo.
Maria Ina Arnone, Paola Oliveri |
MorphoEvoDevo - a multilevel approach to elucidate the evolution of metazoan organ systems
Speakers: Andreas Wanninger
(University of Vienna), Angelika Stollewerk (QM University of London), Conrad
Helm (Sars Bergen),Néva Meyer (Clark University,MA, USA)
symposium will highlight recent progress of our understanding of the evolution
of animal nervous systems and discuss the necessity of integrating
morphogenetic data in the interpretation of molecular-driven EvoDevo studies.
Only a combined methodological approach will eventually allow a sound
reconstruction of ground patterns and last common ancestors of animal groups.
Sabrina Kaul-Strehlow |
Niche construction, behavior, epigenetics, and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: uncovering the links between genes, development, form, function, ecology, and evolution and implications for Evo-Devo
Speakers: Rui Diogo (Howard University, USA), Kevin Laland (University of St. Andrews, UK), Frietson Galis, (Leiden University, The Netherlands), Sharlene Santana (University of Washington, USA).
The symposium will describe to evodevoists
what are the new developments in evolutionary biology in the last year,
including those that lead to the extended evolutionary synthesis, and provide
specific examples about the importance of constraints, randomness, and
behavioral drives in evolution and their crucial implications for evo-devo.
Rui Diogo |
Novelties in cell type evolution
Speakers: Pawel Burkhardt (SARS, Norway), Sabrina Kaul-Strehlow ( University of Vienna, Austria), Maria Ina Arnone ( Stazione Zoologica, Italy), Gunter Wagner (Yale University, USA).
Our symposium will
address the evolution of novelty, with an emphasis on cell types. New cell
types arise in various ways, for instance via the splitting of an ancestral
cell into two sister cell types, or from the evolutionary fusion of two
unrelated cell types. In both cases, novel cell types often evolve new or
specialized functions. This symposium will explore the molecular mechanisms
that are key for the evolution of novel cell types and their functional
diversity. Talks will discuss the origination of novel cell type gene
regulatory networks, and cover the latest research into the evolution of cell
type functional modules, such as protein complexes and larger macromolecular
Detlev Arendt, Gaspar Jekely, Jacob Musser |
Phenotypic robustness, fluctuations and plasticity
Speakers: Marie-Anne Felix (ENS, France), Naoki Irie (University of Tokyo, Japan), Sinisa Bratulic (MIT and Harvard, USA), Kunihiko Kaneko (University of Tokyo, Japan).
How are robust phenotypes shaped
through evolution, while preserving room for plasticity for evolvability?
We discuss the recent advances to address the question and characterize the
developmental constraint in evolution, by integrating approaches from cell, and
evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, and theoretical biophysics, and provide
the future perspective in the quantitative evo-devo studies.
Kunihiko Kaneko |
Progress and open questions in Spiralian evodevo
Speakers: Deirdre Lyons (Assistant Professor, Marine
Biology Research Division. Scripps Institution of Oceanography. UC San Diego, USA, Svetlana Maslakova (University of Oregon, USA), Andreas Hejnol (SARS, Norway), Mette Handberg-Thorsager (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany).
comparative study of spiral cleavage was one of the cornerstones of
evolutionary thinking back in the late 19th Century. However, modern EvoDevo
has only began to unravel the evolutionary and developmental basis for spiral
cleavage and Spiralia evolution. Recent progress in phylogenomics, and the
implementation of modern molecular, microscopy, and cell biology techniques in
a handful of spiralian model systems have made that possible. Yet many
questions remain opened, and the comparative, evolutionary study of spiralian
development arises as one of the most fascinating research fields.
Jose M. Martin-Duran, Cristina Grande |
Rewiring motor systems to evolve a vertebrate head
Speakers: Shigeru Kuratani (RIKEN, Japan), Jean-Francois Brunet (INSERM, CNRS, France), Joel Glover (SARS, University of Iowa, Norway), Bernd Fritzsch (University of Iowa, USA)
This symposium will provide unique perspective
vertebrate head evolution, detailing the evolution of motor systems controlling
jaw and head movements, eye movements, parasympathetic control of all head
glands and facial branchial motor derived gain control of inner ear hair cells.
It will feature how molecular evolution provides the opportunity to diversify
cranial motor neurons to achieve novel functions unique to the head motor
Bernd Fritzsch |
Single-cell RNA-seq: a powerful new approach for understanding the evolution of development
Speakers: Chris Fincher (MIT, Cambridge, USA), Arnau Sebe-Pedros (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), Carlos Ortiz Ramírez (New York University, USA), Mara Lawniczak (Sanger Institute, UK)
This symposium will provide an introduction to the
considerable technical and analytical challenges, as well as the tremendous
potential returns, that lie ahead for evo-devo as this field begins to adopt
the methods of single-cell genomics. Speakers will showcase mature empirical
work focused on defining cell types quantitatively, understanding cell-level
homology in evolutionarily divergent organisms, on dissecting developmental
processes through time, and on "rediscovering" the spatial context of
single-cell measurements through integration with in situ hybridization and
live imaging data. We will also discuss the technical aspects of applying
diverse high-throughput single-cell methods in established and emerging models
from across the diversity of eukaryotes.
Christopher E Laumer |
Systems biology of pattern formation
Speakers: James Briscoe (The Francis Crick Institute, UK), Patrick Mueller (Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tuebingen, Germany), Ezzat El-Sherif (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany), Erik Clark (University of Cambridge, UK).
The symposium
focuses on systems biology approaches (both experimental and computational) to
study different embryonic pattern formation mechanisms and their evolution.
Ezzat El-Sherif, Erik Clark |
The Evo-Devo of appendages
Speakers: Joost Woltering (University of Konstanz, Germany), Gareth Fraser (University of Sheffield, UK), Igor Schneider (Federal University of Para (UFPA) Brazil), Brooke Armfield (University of Florida, USA).
Be it limbs, fins, genitals, antennae,
scales or leaves, appendages have traditionally attracted the attention of
developmental and evolutionary biologist alike. In this symposium we aim to
address the evolutionary differentiation of appendages in an integrative way,
ranging from function through morphology down to the underlying differences in
gene regulatory mechanisms.
Joost Woltering |
The role of boundaries in organismal diversification
Speakers: Aman Husbands (Ohio State University, USA),Jill Preston (University of Vermont, USA),Karen Sears (University of Illinois, USA), Cristina Fernandez (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain).
In this symposium, we are bringing together researchers who are taking each in their own right an interdisciplinary approach to explore the emergent properties of boundaries and their influences on the diversification of organisms and their ecosystems. Looking into historic boundary formation from the cellular and developmental to the organismal and ecosystem level, we can start to understand how boundaries have influenced variability in species interactions and developmental processes that are required for the evolution and diversification of form and function. We will further discuss how future changes at the global scale will likely impact the formation and flux of boundaries into the future, and how these fluxes will impact the processes underlying species diversity and diversification.
Madelaine Bartlett, Chelsea D. Specht |
Understanding morphological diversity at different evolutionary scales: Towards a multi scale synthesis
Speakers: Elena Kramer (Harvard University, USA), Mark Rebeiz (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Felicity Jones (Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, Germany), Miltos Tsiantis (Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany).
symposium will emphasize: (1) the interplay of different evolutionary forces
and genomic organization in generating diversity and the distribution of size
effects of loci underlying variation, (2) the use of multiscale approaches to
understand how genetic changes are translated into diversity in form, (3) the
assembly of specific molecular modules that underlie novelty and their effect
on morphogenesis; with the goal of extracting broad principles that can help
conceptualize the morphogenetic basis for evolutionary change across complex
Kindly supported by 
Miltos Tsiantis, Angela Hay |
What does genotype-phenotype association tell us about development?
Speakers: Mihaela Pavlicev (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA), Ian Dworkin (McMaster University, Canada), Neus Martinez-Abadias (Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain), Benedikt Hallgrimsson (University of Calgary, Canada).
biologists study the manifold molecular, cellular, and physical processes in
development, and how they intertwine to produce the adult organism. In
quantitive genetics, development is often conceptualised as a
"genotype-phenotype map", estimated by the statistical associations
of genetic loci and measured phenotypes. This symposium discusses the degree to
which genetic association studies can inform us about development, what the
conceptual and practical challenges are, and how such models help us to
understand organismal evolution.
Philipp Mitteroecker |